Everyone has those items that they take to every music festival- the gear that’s at the top of every packing list. So- I’m sharing all my music festival gear that comes to every event with me, ALWAYS! These items are my tested and true “go-to” products so I hope you find them as helpful as I always do!
We all know it is essential to bring along a tent and canopy and a tarp when you’re festival camping. However, there are 100% other items that just make the overall camping experience so much more enjoyable. Here are the three items that are always in my festival campsite!
Situations always arise when you need scissors, a file, a knife, etc. at a festival. This guy alleviates all the stress of extra items and makes a great investment at the same time. Although cooking a lot at a festival can be difficult, having something to warm your mac and cheese and boil water for coffee is a great thing. This cook-top stove is affordable, easy to transport, and easy to clean. Having bandaids, aloe, ice packs, advil, and more is so important at any event! I recommend always keeping a first aid kit in your car regardless of where you are- but this one makes a great addition and has tons of great things.
We all know I love a good bag, which means I’m even more picky when it comes to using a reliable, quality item. Above are my two favorite stores to purchase a hydration pack/types of hydration packs that I highly recommend. Each pack caters to a different “type” of raver so make sure you get one that has enough space, padding, lining for your bladder, and extra pockets.